
Garuda Purana Path

Garuda Purana Path refers to the recitation or reading of the Garuda Purana, one of the eighteen Puranas in Hinduism. The Garuda Purana is a text that is considered to be a dialogue between Lord Vishnu in his form as Garuda, the divine bird and mount of Lord Vishnu, and Garuda's father, Sage Kashyapa.


The Garuda Purana Path is considered to be a very important ritual in Hinduism, especially for those who have recently lost a loved one. The Garuda Purana is believed to contain valuable information about life after death and the journey of the soul in the afterlife. The text provides detailed descriptions of the various realms of existence and the types of experiences that souls can have in these realms, based on their karma and deeds in their past life.

The Garuda Purana Path is usually conducted by a priest or a group of priests. The ritual involves the recitation of the entire Garuda Purana, which can take several hours to complete. The recitation is done in the presence of the family members of the deceased and other devotees who wish to participate in the ritual.

The Garuda Purana Path is believed to have several benefits for the deceased soul. It is believed that by listening to the recitation of the Garuda Purana, the soul of the deceased can be liberated from the cycle of birth and death and attain Moksha, or freedom from the cycle of rebirth.

Apart from its significance in the context of death and the afterlife, the Garuda Purana is also considered to be a valuable source of knowledge about various aspects of Hinduism, including ethics, morality, and spirituality.

In conclusion, the Garuda Purana Path is a ritual in Hinduism that involves the recitation of the Garuda Purana, an important text that provides information about the journey of the soul after death. The Garuda Purana Path is believed to have several benefits for the deceased soul, including liberation from the cycle of birth and death. The ritual is considered to be an important part of Hindu funeral rites and is also valued for its spiritual and ethical teachings.

"ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय। गारुड़ उवाच। भगवन् द्वादश-अध्यायानि शृणुयामि त्वत्प्रसादान्मुक्तिमिच्छामि।"

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